NOTE: Articles submitted to any category must meet certain criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal. The paper cannot be withdrawn at any condition once it is accepted. The review report will be sent to the author(s) within one month.
International Journal of Novel Research in Science, Technology and Engineering
IJNRSTE aims to cover the latest outstanding development in the fields of Science, Technology and Engineering. As an open access E-Journal, IJNRSTE provides free access to all published articles for the authors, the research community and other interested groups all over the world. This offers a means of generating and disseminating research based information that will enhance global advancement in all aspect of science, technology and engineering.
International Journal of Novel Research in Humanities, Social Science and Management
IJNHSSM publishes original research papers from all disciplines in Business, Humanities, Business and Social Science such as accounting, Anthropology, Ancient and Modern languages, Area studies, Business Administration, Business Education, Business management, Banking and Finance, communication studies, cooperate governance, criminology, cross cultural studies, demography, developmental studies, Economics, Education, Geography, Guidance and Counselling, History, International Relations, Information science, Industrial relations, law, linguistics, library science, literature, management science, media studies, methodology, measurement and evaluation, philosophy, political science, population studies, psychology, public administration, para-legal, performance arts (Music and Theatre), Religious studies, social study, sociology, theology, visual arts, women studies and so on.